| View of Bar Harbor from Bar Island. To the right is the bar that gives the town and island their name. At high tide the bar is under water but at low tide it is exposed and you can walk to the island from the mainland. Just make sure to get back before the tide comes in!

| Karen at Schooner Head. This is on the east side of MDI and is typical of the rocky Maine coast.

| Sea cave at Schooner Head. We "discovered" this cave while hiking down towards the water. For all the times we've been there before we never knew this cave was there!

| Moose in Stump Pond, Baxter State Park. We took a side trip up to Baxter State Park one day. To say this is a remote area is a great understatement. On our way back from viewing Mt. Katadin we spotted the moose. After years of trying to see one in the wild we finally succeeded!

| Sand Beach from Great Head. Sand Beach is actually made up of minute sea shells. People flock here in warm weather but only the hearty go swimming. The water never gets much over 50 degrees!

| Another side trip we took was to the Cutler Coast public reserve. This public land has several miles of good hiking trails that lead to the ocean. Much of the coast of Maine looks like this, but development threatens access. This public land assures that all can enjoy the rugged beauty that we so appreciate.

| Hinckley Travelifts. They have one for every size boat! During our stay they even pulled an 87 foot Coast Guard patrol boat out of the water for prop repairs.

| In order to ship Attitudes back to Annapolis we had to have the masts pulled. Hinckley is the only yard we've ever seen that does this on the hard. We were quite nervous about it but the Hinckley people are very professional and certainly know what they are doing. Pulling both masts only took them about 20 minutes.

| Masts wrapped and ready to go! In the background is the U Haul truck we drove back to Detroit. It was far cheaper to rent one of those than to drop off a rental car is a different city than the one it was rented in.

| One of our last tasks before leaving Maine was pulling the dinghy out of the water and washing its bottom. This was pretty sad because it marked the end of our 2 month stay in Maine. It's still one of our favorite places on earth!
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