| The town of Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard is home to the Campmeeting Association. Methodists started having revival meetings here in the mid 1800's. The original attendees would pitch tents. As time went on the revivals ran longer and longer and small cottages began replacing the tents. Eventually over 350 of these cottages were built and survive to this day. Most have been in the same family for generations.

| The revivals used to be held under a large tent. in the late 1800's this large iron framed tabernacle was built. It can hold several thousand people and is used for concerts as well as religious services.

| Some of the Campmeeting cottages. They are known as "gingerbread" cottages.

| One of the more famous of the gingerbread cottages. Care to venture a guess as to what it's called? It's known as the "pink cottage." Duh!

| The sign on the building says "Welcome to Nantucket." They should place a smaller sign under it saying "Hope You Brought Lots of Money!" Nantucket is easily the most expensive port we've visited yet. So far we've been paying anywhere between $15/night to $35/night for a mooring. They are $55/night in Nantucket!

| The public dinghy dock in Nantucket. This was the most crowded landing we've seen so far. You have to push your way between the other dinghys in order to get on the dock. But we're not complaining; it was one of the only free things in Nantucket.

| Lots of very large yachts visit Nantucket. This one even has it's own SUV! The owners wisely left it onboard though because the traffic situation in Nantucket can only be described as a nightmare! The downtown area is in constant gridlock. There are people who would like to restict "off island" vehicles from coming over on the ferries. But they probably wouldn't mind if you brought one over on your own boat like this.

| House in Nantucket owned by Capt. George Pollard of the whaling ship Essex. The true story of the Essex being sunk when an angry whale attacked it was the basis of Herman Melville's classic "Moby Dick."

| Nantucket Allserver General Store. Besides this store they have a boat that cruises the harbor and sells items like ice, drinks, and newspapers to the moored boats. Several years ago the owners started selling their own fruit drinks from the boat. The drinks are what eventually became Nantucket Nectars.
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